
March 23, 2023

Board president reflects on his time with Summit

Board members hold a special place in our heart. Through their commitment and insight, they continue to change the landscape for people with developmental disabilities. Mark Brand, Esq. joined the operating board in 2000. He shared his thoughts on his time as board president:

“I have the honor of helping an outstanding organization best serve the community. Essentially my job is to listen and make sure the right questions are being asked. What are the agency’s most pressing issues? Are we doing what we can to leverage our strengths? Boards are also charged with financial oversight which can be a real challenge. Often, the state doesn’t recognize the complex needs of our individuals. My greatest fear is having to close a program because we couldn’t secure enough funding.

The past 20+ years have been truly rewarding. I’ve been surrounded by incredible board volunteers and worked with a brilliant CEO. Summit has grown so much and impacted so many families. The most rewarding aspect is seeing the staff in action. They could have pursued a corporate career, with stocks and bonuses, but they wanted to change lives.”